Haunted America Series
Roxanne Rhoads
Publisher: Arcadia Publishing
Genre: Haunted History, Travel
Release Date: August 12, 2024
ISBN-13: 9781467157858
Pages: 128
Are you brave enough to visit Michigan's most haunted hotels?
From captivating tales of lingering lumber barons to lovelorn ladies and chilling stories of murder, Michigan's hotels hold secrets that will send shivers down the spine.
Ghostly apparitions and mysterious whispers have terrified guests for years at Petoskey's Terrace Inn and The House of Ludington in Escanaba, while eerie occurrences and disembodied voices wake guests in the night at Kalamazoo's Henderson Castle Inn. Once named America's Most Haunted City, Mackinac Island has enough ghosts to keep visitors sleepless for a lifetime.
Embark on a spine-chilling journey through the Mitten State with Haunted Flint author Roxanne Rhoads as she unveils the spooky history of Michigan's most haunted hotels and inns.
Your haunted travels begin here⦠if you dare to check in.
Authors! It's time to sign up for the Bewitching Book Tours' Haunted Halloween Spooktacular This special Halloween book tour package offers authors individual tours combined with the cross-promotion of an overall Halloween event with a group Rafflecopter October 1-29 and a Trick or Treat for Books event on October 30 & 31. Each participating author will receive:
Sign Up Here: https://forms.gle/JT89w42Fpi8HaEHm9 Mankind is doomed. But not if the self-described quirky witch Indigo and the untrustworthy kinda-shifter Roark can change destiny. Of course, their noble goal is frequently interrupted by their steamy desire for one another.
The Phoenix The Blood Coven Series Book Five T. M. Smith Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance Publisher: Evernight Publishing Date of Publication: November 2, 2023 Cover Artist: Jay Aheer Book Description: Indigo… isn’t just any witch. She’s the reader of the River Am, incomparable finder of lost objects, witch extraordinaire, sister of Alarik, aunt of Rein, daughter of Tor and Adriana, madwoman, and quirky bitch. Roark… is an enigma. He’s a raven shifter, a traitor, and a trespasser. But… from the moment Indigo sees him bathing in her river, sparks ignite. Secrets, though, can be world-changing. https://amzn.to/40i5eLk Join us today for FREE eBooks
October 31 Bewitching Book Tours Trick Or Treat for Books All day long we'll be posting links to freebies https://www.facebook.com/events/171374719329467 Author Sign Ups Are Closing Soon for the 2023 Deck the Halls with Books Holiday Extravaganza10/6/2023
Do you have a book that you’d like to put in front of readers this holiday season?
Put your book in the gift-buying spotlight with Bewitching Book Tours Deck the Halls
with Books Holiday Extravaganza.
From December 4- 22 you will be featured in daily (Mon-Fri)
Bewitching Tour Stops and Social Media Promotion.
Each participating author will receive:
* 3 week Holiday Theme Virtual Book Tour (retail value $125)
* Custom tour banner
* Professional media kit
* Option to offer review copies
* Group Rafflecopter for cross promo
To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high-resolution jpeg of your cover and a short excerpt.
You’ll also need to provide 2 Winter Holiday-themed guest blogs, short holiday flash fiction stories, or poems.
Your holiday materials may feature Christmas, Yule, the Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or whatever winter holiday you choose to celebrate with your writing.
Guest blogs may be recipes, DIY Tutorials, Holiday Music Playlists, Top Ten Gift Lists, holiday party planning guides, or anything related to the holidays.
The fee for this promotion is $75 per author per book
Sign up here
Authors- It's Time to Sign Up for the Bewitching Book Tours' Haunted Halloween Spooktacular8/7/2023 Authors! It's time to sign up for the Bewitching Book Tours' Haunted Halloween Spooktacular This special Halloween book tour package offers authors individual tours combined with the cross-promotion of an overall Halloween event with a group Rafflecopter October 2-31 with a Trick or Treat for Books event on October 30&31. Each participating author will receive:
Sign Up Here: https://forms.gle/uUvmYNKuwQo4Mb4R6
Halloween is coming. The stores are starting to put out Halloween decor.
That means it is time to start planning your Halloween season promotions.
October is a hot sales time for paranormal romance, urban fantasy, horror, paranormal erotica, and cozy mysteries with paranormal elements.
Bewitching Book Tours is offering a fun Halloween Themed Book Tour option open to all authors who have a book featuring supernatural characters, terrifying tales, haunted homes, wicked or wonderful witches, vampires, werewolves, demons, and more. This is a Halloween tour option, not a group event where your book could get lost in the crowd of other books. This special tour package offers authors individual tours combined with the cross-promotion of an overall Halloween event with a group Rafflecopter. Yes, each author receives their own Halloween-themed tour during Bewitching Book Tours’ Haunted Halloween Spooktacular from October 2-31 Each participating author will receive: * 1 Month Halloween Theme Virtual Book Tour (retail value $145) * Custom Tour Banner and Instagram Graphic * Professional Media Kit and Social Media Script with Custom Hashtags * Option to Offer Review Copies * Group Rafflecopter for Cross Promo * Inclusion in the Trick or Treat for Books Event
This is Bewitching Book Tours' 8th Annual Halloween Spooktacular.
To participate you’ll need to provide details for one book you wish to promote including a high-resolution jpeg of your cover and an excerpt. You’ll also need to provide 2 Halloween theme guest blogs (which can be recipes, music playlists, costume ideas or DIY tutorials, etc- anything Halloween-related), short Halloween flash fiction story, or a Halloween poem. The early bird fee for this promotion is $99 per author for one book. If you wish to promote additional books, each additional book is $75. This event has a limited number of spaces available.
Payment is required at time of sign up to reserve your space.
Sign Up Here: https://forms.gle/uUvmYNKuwQo4Mb4R6
Spectral Paranormal Investigations by S. Peters-Davis #ParanormalSuspense #ParanormalRomance7/17/2023
Ghost Guardians
Book Two
S. Peters-Davis
Genre: Paranormal Suspense Romance Thriller, Paranormal Romance, New Adult, Suspense-Mystery
Publisher: BWL Publishing, Inc.
Date of Publication: July 2023
ISBN 9780228626442
Word Count: 54,000
Cover Artist: Pandora Designs
SPI (Spectral Paranormal Investigations) The team’s mission: Rescue ALL spirits left behind, even the evil ones. Murder, Mystery, and Mayhen…in ghost form
Book Description:
Bri Lancaster and Kyle Benton (SPI ghost detectives) investigate an 1880s rundown, haunted mansion in the middle of nowhere during one of the harshest winters remembered.
The SPI team uncovers that the evil entity bound to the mansion has trapped innocent spirits into an endless loop of abuse, sorrow, and the ultimate…death. In order to rescue the captives, the team discovers they must first defeat the crazed, abusive ghost.
But what happens when SPI team member, Kyle, goes comatose and the only way to rescue him is to extract the horrifying evil entity from Kyle’s body?
S. Peters-Davis writes multi-genre stories but loves penning a good page-turning suspense-thriller, especially when it’s a ghost story and a romance. Paranormal suspense-thriller romances are her favorites. When she’s not writing, editing, or reading, she’s hiking, RV’ing, fishing, playing with grandchildren and her dog, Sparky, or enjoying time with her favorite muse (her husband) in Southwest Michigan.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/spdavis788
BWL Publishing Inc.: https://bookswelove.net/
BWL Blog: https://bwlauthors.blogspot.com/
BWL Author Page: https://bookswelove.net/davis-s-peters/
August 2024
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